Parents and students can tap the name of an assignment to see its details, including the class, gradebook information, date assigned and due, total available points, grade scale, and grade term.

Note: Students and parents need to log on to the desktop site to create personal events. This way, there is an overall visual view of what is currently due and what is coming: CalendarĪssignments and events for all classes and groups appear in the Calendar area in day, week, or month format. Parents can see assignment details for each of their students in the district. Students can also use the desktop version of Aspen for all online assignment submissions. Note: If your district supports Google Docs™, students are able to submit a Google Document for an assignment online. Tap on an assignment to open its details. Students are also able to complete quizzes online from the To Do area. When students and parents access an assignment’s details, they can see the due date and score (if the assignment has been graded), and download any attachments. They can also keep track of what assignments they finished and have yet to start by using the checkbox next to the assignment name: Students and parents can stay current with what assignments are due today and tomorrow in the To Do area of Aspen Mobile. Parents can see this information for each of their students in the district: Parents can use the Academics area to email teachers. Individual assignment details and grades are also available for each class. In the Academics area, students and parents can see a list of current or previous classes, teacher names, and performance summaries, both at a high level and broken down into categories.
The full version offers the ability to upload assignments, access My Resources, and use Quest to search for digital content.